terça-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2009


Hello ev'rybody!!! Wazzup?

Well, now it's time to be back on track, try to make this blog work...
Since advanced 3 groups are talking about lifestyles, I decided to post here the link for a foreigner's impression on some of the Brazilian things. Hope you have time to read and I expect you post comments on anything you found interesting (or not), OK???
Please, remember that it is a person's point of view... We should comment with respect and enrich the discussion, ok?


Have fun and cya

Shee ;)

12 comentários:

Shee disse...


Shee disse...

While testing I noticed you've got to have a gmail account... Sorry. Try including the comment using the same email and password from ORKUT, ok? If it is not possible, send me the comment via email (sheilapassos@ig.com.br).
Cya next month....

Natã Kesller disse...

I`ve never eaten this...rsrsrs
-Very interesting-
It is curious see the Brazil in other point of view..


Unknown disse...

Hello Folks!!!
Natã I have never see a manjoc too (like a potato,hehehe), I know that it's a point of view, but I guess that many people that read the other blog and about the trips of a german girl have thougth that she didn't and doesn't know abut Brazil very well... She said about work: "Mhmmm working. It is not stress. They do only one thing and nothing parallel. They have a lot of fun and they like to talk a lot. And of course they drink a lot of coffee."
Ohhh Gosh, of course that it's not about us... For example: Actually I work a lot and try to study im my free moments (at dinner) at work, I'm in college, I'm doing many courses, I like to practice many diferents sports, I try to talk only in appropriate moments and the best off all is that I DON'T DRINK COFFEE!!!
In my opinion She needs come back to really know Brazil!!!

Unknown disse...

About Sport and Glammer, she didn't talk about sports, she talked onli about the bodys and the cloth that we wear. I gess she still have the opinion that brazilians are only body and nothing more.
About the bathroom I thing she dind't have luck to find a nice place to stay in Bahia. Thats why she got a electric shock and show us that picture of a broken socket.


Alanna disse...

Wow... The text has some wrongs but in the end I think I liked it. Of course there are a lot of thing that it's not a real truth, but I think that for a person who spents four months here she understood ok.
She just made the mistake to consider everything she saw like a totaly true, for example the stuff about jobs in Brazil. Here exists a looooot of jobs very stressful! Like bankary, lawyer, teacher, doctor, etc... I don't work yet, but last year I had health problems because I was stressed! So, even students being stressed in Brazil.
About the bathroom, i've never ever got an eletric chock in one! Never! So, I think that the place where she were was awful.
About the kisses I almost agree with her. If we think about, It's a little bit strange to kiss people that we don't know (till the moment).
Well, for me she was a kid, because she judged Brazil superficially.
Ok, for me, she is a kind of stupid.
Be in peace.

PS: My name is Alanna. ^.^'

Abel disse...

she traveled around brazil more than me, don't she has anything best to do? rsrs. So, I think that she wrote everythig right because she gone in many places except in the south (there looks Europe), and she was very lucky to don't be roubed anytime. I have a question, did she came here alone?

Vilson Lelis disse...

There are people really have habits Brazilain’s lifestyle described for german girls. She talk about different kind of flours we put on meals, I don’t like either! About drink beer, she said the Bohemia is the best, but she don’t know the Skol beer yet! Also the Skol is more cheap as Bohemia. About sport and glamer, that’s true. Girls take so much care them self. But I would like to see the german girl wear clothes’s Brazil, like bikinis! It’s will be very funny! Or no!! I don’t know if we’ve worked as hard as always and she still want us to work harder, but we haven’t this culture about works yet!!!!!

Vilson Lelis disse...

There are people really have habits Brazilain’s lifestyle described for german girls. She talk about different kind of flours we put on meals, I don’t like either! About drink beer, she said the Bohemia is the best, but she don’t know the Skol beer yet! Also the Skol is more cheap as Bohemia. About sport and glamer, that’s true. Girls take so much care them self. But I would like to see the german girl wear clothes’s Brazil, like bikinis! It’s will be very funny! Or no!! I don’t know if we’ve worked as hard as always and she still want us to work harder, but we haven’t this culture about works yet!!!!!

Anônimo disse...

I loved the things that she said.. not taking this to thuth.. i loved because in this way we can see how the others thnik about brazil when they came here! It's good for us, to see the diference betwen people... When you find things like this teacher, plese show to us! ")

Anônimo disse...

hii teacher!

it's good to know that she travel around brasil, and a kind of liked it... It's common find diferences , because of the culture... and yes we drink a lot of coffe... rsrs kisses for everybody...

curso disse...

Well...I think that She saw nothing more than the truth...almost everything she said is the reality here...and she seems to be very comprehensive because she didn't judge people before know them...specialy when she was talking about "favelas"...There two common foringners points of view:
- oh it's wonderful...the nature..the people are so cute and beautiful...blá,blá,blá ( Only the good side)
- oh I was robbed there, it's very dangerous..you always have to take care...All the tiome you're in danger... ( only the bad side)

I think she could see and express the two sides very well... (Vittor A3)